
Select your membership option from the drop down menu to the right  ⇒

Membership Options

To download the membership application in PDF form   please click here
Please mail the completed form – with payment  to:

Indian & Colonial Research Center
P.O. Box 5 2 5
Old Mystic, CT  06372

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please click the icon below to download the free application

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Members enjoy free use of the library, advanced notice of workshops, research assistance from a trained librarian – historian, and a quarterly newsletter. In addition, members will receive a membership card that allows access to Connecticut Vital records located at the state’s town clerks offices and other municipal repositories

* MEMBERSHIP is the very foundation of our organization *
It is what created I C R C  –  and it is what keeps us alive
Unlike other similar organizations, I C R C does not have any
endowments or golden financial cushion to rely on, so we
actually need to depend on our loyal members and the
occasional gift, to pay our bills and keep the doors open

Sometimes people will let their important membership lapse
We can only speculate as to the reason for this oversight ? ?
But at the same time, we actually gasp for more air because
that is literally the energy that sustains us  . . . . .  Therefore,

PLEASE  Renew  Your  Membership  when it comes due,  and
perhaps you could consider Upgrading your membership level
OR  making a Donation  –  It will really make a big difference  ! !

We really depend on Your continued support as a vital  M E M B E R  of our very unique family

Thank You So Much