Narr. Dawn Index L – M

Narragansett Dawn- An index of names that appear in this tribal publication from the mid 1930s. Edited by Princess Red Wing, Narragansett Dawn includes historical as well as day-to-day information about members of the Narragansett tribe. Names are listed alphabetically. Different spellings of names, the use of initials, and the use of native names should be taken into consideration when searching the index.  Names may appear in the index because the individual was an author of a report. Since Princess Red Wing was the editor, articles written by her are not indexed

A – B|C|D – E|F – G|H|I – K|L – M|N – O|P|Q – R|S|T – V|W – Z


La Farge, Grant Mrs.   1/12,p.275
La Farge, Oliver    1/9,p.210
Labonte, R.    1/6,p.152
Lalla, Frank    1/4,p.88
Landsing, Nelson    1/7,p.172
Lansing, Nelson    1/6,p.142; 1/7,p.161
Laury, Elise    1/11,p.268
Laury, Elizabeth    1/11,p.268
Lavalee, A.    2/3,p.61
Lawrence W. Wilcox (Lone Wolf)    1/1,p.27-28
Lawrence, Harwell    2/6,p.13
Lawrence, Herwald    2/4,p.75
Lawson, Roberta    1/5,p.125
Lawson, Roberta Campbell    1/6,p.151; 1/7,p.170
Leaping Deer    1/4,p.91
Lee, Elisha Capt.    1/10,p.226
Lee, Margaret Reed    1/6,p.140
Lennard, Thelma    1/6,p.150
Leonard, James    1/5,p.127; 1/9,p.204
Leonard, Orville    1/1,p.16
Leonard, Orville H.    1/9,p.204
Letts, Ira Lloyd    1/10,p.242
Lewis, Thomas    1/9,p.212; 2/6,p.10
Lincoln, Mrs.    1/4,p.82
Linderman, Frank B.    1/2,p.15
Lindley, Lawrence E.    2/2,p.32
Little Bear    1/4,p.90; 1/5,p.115; 1/12,p.286; 2/3,p.47
Little Squirrel    2/3,p.46
Little Wound (Sioux)    2/6,p.8
Lone Wolf (Lawrence W. Wilcox)    1/3,p.5; 1/3,p.15, 18; 1/4,p.82; 1/4,p.100; 1/5,p.118-9; 1/5,p.128-9; 1/9,p.206; 1/11,p.265-6; 1/12,p.276; 1/12,p.285; 2/1,p.14; 2/1,p.16; 2/3,p.43; 2/3,p.45; 2/3,p.56; 2/3,p.59; 2/5,p.4
Long Feather    2/4,p.70
Lopes, Peter Mrs.    1/9,p.217
Lopez, Hugh    1/6,p.149-150
Low, Mary    2/5,p.7
Lowrey, Mr.    1/10,p.248
Loy, Myrna      1/6,p.150


MacDiarmid, Edwin    1/9,p.223
MacDiarmid, Edwin Mrs.    1/12,p.293
Madieros, Mr.    1/6,p.152
Magnus    2/1,p.4
Malloy, W.    1/6,p.152
Mamnack, Hannah    2/6,p.12
Manake    2/6,p.14
Manedo    1/7,p.156
Manning, Frank    2/3,p.59
Manning, Frank Jr.    2/3,p.59
Manning, Grace    1/12,p.292
Manning, Harold    1/5,p.128
Manning, Walter    1/12,p.293; 2/3,p.59
Mansfield, Harold     1/4,p.88
Marden, Willard Mrs.    1/12,p.293
Marrithew, Ralph Rev.    2/1,p.13
Mars, Elizabeth Louise    1/3,p.4
Mars, Harold Mrs.    2/4,p.75
Mars, Harold Sherman    1/3,p.4
Mars, Kenneth    1/4,p.92
Mars, Rosebud    1/4,p.82; 1/4,p.92
Mary Sachem    2/1,p.4
Masard, Simeon    1/9,p.212
Mason, Frank F. Mrs.    1/7,p.170
Massasoitt (Ousamequin)    1/6,p.133; 1/9,p.219; 1/11,p.257; 2/1,p.4
Mathews, John    1/9,p.209
Maxwell, William P.    1/11,p.267
McBrown, Gertrude    2/6,p.13
McCarthy, Lorenzo C. Rev.    1/10,p.242
McCloud, Beatrice    1/11,p.263; 2/5,p.11
McDonald, James    1/12,p.288
McKhann, Charles F.    1/7,p.160
McKnight, A. E. Mrs.    1/12,p.275
McMahon, W.    1/6,p.152
McNab, Frank    2/3,p.45; 2/5,p.10
McSpadden, Thomas Mrs.    1/6,p.151
McSparran, James Rev.    1/12,p.288
Mead, Mary    1/2,p.20
Meeres, Gloria    1/5,p.127
Meeres, Paul    1/5,p.127
Meeres, Paul Mrs.    1/5,p.129
Meeres, Thelma    2/6,p.13
Mequin, Ousa Rev.    1/4,p.90
Metacomet    1/11,p.257; 2/6,p.13
Mianitunomi    1/12,p.286
Miantonomi    1/1,p.9-11; 1/2,p.13; 1/7,p.162; 2/1,p.10; 2/6,p.4
Michael, Fred    1/4,p.92
Michael, Rudolf    2/5,p.10
Micheal, Bris    1/1,p.30
Micheal, Bristol    1/6,p.153
Micheal, Bristolle    1/1,p.20
Micheal, Britoll    1/4,p.100
Micheal, Edward (Chief Sunset)    1/1,p.19-20; 1/4,p.82; 1/4,p.100; 1/5,p.126-7; 1/5,p.129; 1/9,p.218; 1/11,p.268; 2/2,p.22; 2/3,p.46; 2/3,p.49
Micheal, Edward Mrs.    1/1,p.19-20
Micheal, Fred    1/1,p.22; 1/7,p.171; 1/11,p.263; 1/11,p.268; 1/12,p.276; 2/3,p.43-4
Micheal, Jane    1/4,p.82
Micheal, John    1/12,p.276
Micheal, Rudolph    1/3,p.5
Mills, Henry    1/5,p.129
Mingo, Rebecca    1/12,p.292
Mingo, Samuel    1/9,p.222
Mingo, Samuel G. (Sammie George)    1/9,p.222
Minigret    2/3,p.46
Miro, Enrique    1/9,p.216
Misch, Caesar Mrs.    1/7,p.170
Mitchell, Dora    1/4,p.82; 1/9,p.205
Mitchell, Dora Noka    1/9,p.207; 2/3,p.39
Mitchell, Louis    2/3,p.39
Moller, Carl    1/7,p.170
Monake    2/3,p.47
Monopt    1/7,p.156
Monroe, Mr.    1/4,p.82
Montgomery, Bessie    1/4,p.82
Mundy, J.    1/6,p.152
Mundy, Paul    1/6,p.152
Muxkept, Toby    2/6,p.10
Myers, H. O. Mrs.    1/12,p.275

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