Narr. Dawn Index I – K

Narragansett Dawn- An index of names that appear in this tribal publication from the mid 1930s. Edited by Princess Red Wing, Narragansett Dawn includes historical as well as day-to-day information about members of the Narragansett tribe. Names are listed alphabetically. Different spellings of names, the use of initials, and the use of native names should be taken into consideration when searching the index.  Names may appear in the index because the individual was an author of a report. Since Princess Red Wing was the editor, articles written by her are not indexed

A – B|C|D – E|F – G|H|I – K|L – M|N – O|P|Q – R|S|T – V|W – Z


Ickes, Harold L.    1/10,p.233
Ide, Elizabeth    2/5,p.8
Iron Nation    1/4,p.98


Jackson, Herrit    1/6,p.153
Jackson, Joseph    1/7,p.161
Jackson, William    1/4,p.82
Jacobs, William (Chief Crazy Bull)    1/5,p.125; 1/5,p.129
James, Alan    1/6,p.141
James, Anna    2/5,p.7
James, Howard Kellogg    1/7,p.169
James, William L. (Chief High Eagle) (Wampanoag)    1/5,p.114; 1/5,p.125; 1/5,p.129; 2/6,p.14
Janemo (Ninigret)    2/1,p.4
Jeffers, Alberta    1/5,p.129; 1/12,p.293
Jeffers, Edith    1/5,p.129
Jeffers, Linus    1/12,p.293
Jeffers, Lorenzo D. (Chief Sagamore Mittark)    1/5,p.127; 1/5,p.128-9; 1/9,p.221-2; 1/10,p.241; 2/6,p.14
Jeffers, Ruth    1/9,p.223
Jeffrey, Jos.    1/9,p.212
Jennings, Ellen    2/4,p.74
Jennings, Joe    2/2,p.33
John Harry    2/1,p.4
Johnson, Benjamin    1/4,p.82
Johnson, Charles    1/4,p.82; 1/6,p.150
Johnson, Grant Mrs.    1/4,p.82
Johnson, Irving    1/4,p.82
Johnson, Marjorie    1/9,p.217
Johnson, Mary    2/2,p.33; 2/3,p.58
Johnson, Neal    1/1,p.22
Johnson, Slater    1/9,p.216; 1/9,p.218
Johnson, Walter    1/11,p.268
Johnson, Walter Jr.    1/11,p.268
Johnson, Willard Rev.     1/9,p.223
Johnson, Winifred    1/9,p.217
Jones, Charlotte    1/4,p.82
Jones, Lois    2/6,p.13
Jordan, George D. (Grey Eagle)    1/10,p.227-9
Journeycake, Charles Rev.    1/6,p.151


Keefer, Chester S. Dr.    1/3,p.19
Kelly, Johnny    2/2,p.28; 2/6,p.9
Kennedy, Bill    1/4,p.88
Kennelly, Thomas A.    2/3,p.57
Kenney, Leon F. Rev.    1/2,p.20
Kenyon, Albert Franklin    1/9,p.212
Kenyon, James S.    1/9,p.212
Kenyon, John    1/6,p.135
Kenyon, William    1/9,p.212
Kidder, A. V.    1/7,p.173
Kindness, Lura Fowler    1/7,p.164
King Philip    1/1,p.9-11; 1/3,p.12; 1/6,p.134; 1/7,p.167; 1/9,p.204; 1/11,p.257
King Tom    2/1,p.4
King, Dan    2/5,p.5
Kinnecom, Harold    2/3,p.60
Knight, Mabel F. (Ta-de-winn)    1/1,p.8
Knight, R.    1/6,p.136
Knight, Raymond    1/1,p.6
Kulla, John    1/4,p.88

A – B|C|D – E|F – G|H|I – K|L – M|N – O|P|Q – R|S|T – V|W – Z