

In order to facilitate research of our collections from a distance, we are providing finding aids on our web site. The lists and databases will focus on the names of individuals represented in various sources to assist the family historian

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Waite People        A list of individuals identified in the Elmer Waite collection of photographs  The collection has a nice representation of people living in the Old Mystic, Connecticut area between 1880 and 1930

Groton People   A list of individuals identified in various photographic collections housed at        I C R C. The photographs tend to be of people living in Groton, Old Mystic, Mystic, Noank, and Stonington, Connecticut


Adams Papers       A list of surnames represented in the Mrs. Charles Adams collection of genealogy research from the 1930’s  –  Mrs. Adams assisted the Town Clerk of Groton, Conn. in answering genealogical queries. The files are organized by surname, and each file includes a list of other surnames mentioned in addition to the primary surname

Narragansett Dawn      An index of names that appear in this tribal publication from the mid 1930’s  –  Edited by Princess Red Wing, Narragansett Dawn includes historical as well as day-to-day information about members of the Narragansett tribe.

Ledyard Native American Deaths    A list of Native American deaths in the town of Ledyard, Connecticut culled from Avery’s History of Ledyard, overseers reports, and notes from Eva Butler’s collection


John Mason Statue   Several documents pertaining to the creation, history, relocation and rebirth of this monument to the preeminent founder of the Connecticut Colony

Tidings      Published from 1983 through 1999  –  Tidings featured articles about local history and events for the Westerly, Rhode Island and southeastern Connecticut area.